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隐私面单 Privacy waybill

Updated: 2017-11-09

Chinese express delivery companies have taken a new measure to protect the privacy of customers, by using new parcel waybills that show partial information about the sender and the receiver. 

所谓“隐私面单”(privacy waybill),是指面单上并不完整显示收件人的信息,而是通过技术手段将用户的手机号、姓名和地址等信息做加密处理(customers' information including names, addresses, and phone numbers are encrypted),快递员通过公司自主研发的APP,直接拨号联系到收件用户。

On the parcel waybills, names, phone numbers and addresses are shown only partially, with signs such as "(^_^)" or "*" being used to take the place of some of the details. 

为了减少个人信息“裸奔”(personal information displayed without any protection),隐私面单已经成为诸多快递企业的选择。顺丰上线“丰密运单”,菜鸟网络也联手EMS、百世快递等,共同推动使用“隐私面单”。京东则推出了“微笑面单”(smiling waybill)。

自2015年年底推行快递实名制(real-name rule)以来,关于隐私保护(privacy protection)的探讨一直在持续。中国人民大学商法教授刘俊海说,新的快递单是平衡实名制与个人隐私的一项重要技术手(a key technical means to balance the real-name system and personal privacy)。

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Staff members sort packages at an express delivery company. [File photo: VCG]

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