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China Merchants Bank Scholarship

Updated: 2017-11-19


In order to reward teachers and students who are outstanding in the fields of teaching, scientific research and academics, the China Merchants Bank Kunming branch has established and funded the China Merchants Bank Scholarship in Yunnan University, encouraging students to study hard.

Selection Scope

Full-time undergraduates and graduates specializing in economy (finance), management, computer, and biochemistry, as well as qualified teachers are eligible to apply.


I Undergraduate application requirements

1. Applicants should have a firm grasp of the correct political orientation, adhere to the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully implementing the Theory of Three Represents, adhere to Party's basic line and Party program, and foster the correct outlook regarding the world, life and values.

2. Applicants should comply with school rules and regulations.

3. Applicants should be ardent to their specialties, diligent in studies and get excellent grades with comprehensive quality evaluation scores of over 90 points. The application should be in accordance with the school scholarship application requirements. Priority is given to applicants who have gained provincial-level or higher awards in the Challenge Cup or mathematical modeling competitions.

4.  Applicants should actively participate in social practice, cultural, science and technology activities, and possess strong practice and innovation abilities.

5. Applicants should actively participate in physical exercises and recreational activities, and be in good health.

6. Applicants with one of the following cases are not eligible for the scholarship:

1) Applicants subject to criticism or punishments for violating school rules and regulations.

2) Applicants who fail in a compulsory or elective course.

3) Applicants with delayed graduation.

II Graduate application requirements

1. Applicants should adhere to the four cardinal principles, comply with national laws and regulations and school rules, love the collective, and be respectful to teachers and considerate to others. They should be civilized and polite, and have a sense of responsibility for serving the construction in their motherland.

2. Anyone who meets one of the following requirements may apply for the scholarship:

A. Applicants with national-level awards or awards in the Challenge Cup.

B. Applicants with an MA degree who have published more than one thesis as the first named authors in the journals of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute or other high-level publications recognized by the discipline field.

C. Applicants with MS degree who have published more than one thesis as the first named authors that are collected by SCI, EI and ISTP, or other high-level publications recognized by the discipline field.

D. Applicants with doctoral degree in Liberal Arts who have published more than two theses as the first named authors in the journals of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute or other high-level publications recognized by the discipline field.

E. Applicants with doctoral degree in Science who have published more than two theses as the first named authors that are collected by SCI, EI and ISTP, or other high-level publications recognized by the discipline field.

F. Applicants have major inventions during the school periods, which produced significant social and economic benefits, and were identified by relevant authorities.

G. The research achievements from the applicants have been adopted by the government, and had great significance for the national economic construction and social development.

3. Applicants with one of the following cases are not eligible for the scholarship:

1) Applicants subject to criticism or punishments for violating school rules and regulations.

2) Applicants who fail in degree courses, compulsory courses or designated elective courses.

3) Applicants with delayed graduation.

III Teacher application requirements

1. Applicants should be patriotic, enthusiastic in imparting knowledge and educating students, and be of noble morality.

2. Applicants should be diligent and dedicated. They can actively undertake teaching works with high teaching skills and good teaching effects, dare to explore education and teaching reform, and have made outstanding achievements in education and teaching reform, and are appreciated by both teachers and students.

3. Applicants should be rigorous in academics, innovative in teaching, and actively carry out scientific researches. In the past three years, they have gained high-level academic achievements which have been identified in the academic field.

4. Applicants should have worked in Yunnan University for more than eight years in principle (applicants who have made outstanding achievements in teaching and scientific research have no constraint on working years)

Application Time

The applications should be submitted in accordance with the time set by China Merchants Bank.

Award Amount

5,000 yuan ($755) for each student.

Scholarship Quotas

20 students will be selected for the scholarship.

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