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良渚古城遗址 Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City

Updated: 2019-08-01

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee inscribed China's Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City on the World Heritage List as a cultural site on Saturday, bringing the total number of World Heritage Sites in China to 55, the highest in the world.


Inscribe这个词的本意是“雕、刻”,刻上去的文字一般会保留很长时间,所以这个词也有“写入、记录”之意,即to write, engrave, or print as a lasting record或者to enter on a list,常用的搭配除了上文中的inscribe something on something (as...)以外,还有inscribe something with...,比如:They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.(他们把战士们的名字刻在纪念碑上。)


Located in the Yangtze River Basin on the south-eastern coast of the country, the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu (about 3300-2300 BCE) reveal an early regional state with a unified belief system based on rice cultivation in Late Neolithic China. The property is composed of four areas – the Area of Yaoshan Site, the Area of High-dam at the Mouth of the Valley, the Area of Low-dam on the Plain and the Area of City Site. These ruins are an outstanding example of early urban civilization expressed in earthen monuments, urban planning, a water conservation system and a social hierarchy expressed in differentiated burials in cemeteries within the property.

国际古迹遗址理事会(the International Council on Monuments and Sites ,ICOMOS)指出:

It is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization.

以良渚古城为核心的良渚遗址是良渚文明的中心,遗存类型丰富,遗址格局完整,揭示了中华文明国家起源的基本特征,为中华五千多年文明史提供了最完整、最重要的考古学物证(the most concrete testimony of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization)。

英国知名考古学家科林·伦福儒(Colin Renfrew)曾在2013年和2017年两赴良渚古城遗址参观考察,对那里发掘的有5000年历史之久的玉器和大型水利工程遗迹印象深刻。他说:

The importance of findings from the Neolithic Age in China has been greatly underestimated. Cong and bi unearthed from the Liangzhu historical site represent a unity of values in the region. The complexity of society in Liangzhu was on par with that of a country. This is the origin of Chinese civilization.

Viewed from a global perspective, Liangzhu has brought the origin of the state and society in China to a level equal to that of civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia and India.

The historical site at the Liangzhu dam might be the earliest one in the world.

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