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A bird watcher's guide to Yunnan University

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

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Heron, whose scientific name is Ardea cinerea, is a large, thin wading bird with a long head, neck, legs and mouth. It has a goose-like cry. They are waterside birds that inhabit the banks and shallow waters of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and coastal areas. They forage in shallow waters, mainly feeding on fish and frogs, as well as mammals and birds. These birds are commonly seen at Zehu Lake and Guanshan Reservoir. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunnan University]

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Pycnonotus aurigaster has white or off-white ear feathers. The upper body is gray-brown or brown with gray or gray-white feathers. They mainly live in forests, bamboo forests and the open countryside. The species is omnivorous but mainly feeds on plants. These birds can be seen anywhere on the campus. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunnan University]

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Passer montanus is a kind of sparrow with a brown crown and back and off-white collars on the neck. It has obvious black spots on its cheeks and throat. The species is omnivorous and inhabits areas with sparse trees. These birds can be seen anywhere on the campus, especially around the canteens. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunnan University]

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Egret, whose scientific name is Egretta garzetta, is a wading bird. They are large and slender, have a black mouth and legs, yellow toes and pure white feathers. They feed on small fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and crustaceans in shallow water. These birds are commonly seen at Zehu Lake and Guanshan Reservoir. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunnan University]



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