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Japanese students visit YNU for cultural exchange

Updated: Sep 9, 2024

A Japanese student group visited Yunnan University (YNU) on Sept 2 as part of the "Look at China, Go to China" program. The Consulate General of China in Osaka and the Yunnan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office organized the visit to foster face-to-face friendship between China and Japan.

The group comprised 26 undergraduate and postgraduate students from 17 prestigious universities, including Kyoto University and Osaka University. The tour was accompanied by students from Yunnan University's School of Foreign Languages, School of Economics, and School of International Relations.

During the visit, the Japanese students explored Yunnan University's history museum. They also had lunch at the campus cafeteria and learned about Chinese food culture, as well as the university's century-long development and educational achievements,

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Japanese students participate in interactive games at the School of Information Science of Yunnan University. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunnan University Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs]

At the School of Information Science of Yunnan University, Japanese students experienced interactive sessions with the university's robotics team and Huawei Cloud Developer Innovation Center.

A discussion sparked lively exchanges between students from both countries, focusing on cultural heritage, contemporary societal development, campus life, and future plans.

Kawabata Shoma, a student from Kansai Gaidai University, said, "I am very grateful for today. Through my conversations with everyone, I have come to appreciate the excellence of Yunnan province and Yunnan University, as well as its beautiful scenery and delicious food. I will be sure to share these experiences with the people around me."

He added, "If any friends from Yunnan University visit Japan, please contact me. I look forward to meeting everyone again. Thank you all."

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Students from the two countries pose for a group photo. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunnan University Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs]

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