The State Administration for Market Regulation is paying close attention to media reports about counterfeit goods sold by online group discounter Pinduoduo, according to a statement on the markets regulator's official website.
More than 61% of children 6 months or younger in China are now predominantly fed breast milk, but the rate of exclusive breastfeeding remains low, according to new research.
China will take strong measures to curb spam and nuisance phone calls, and strengthen the management of customers' telecommunication charges, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said on Wednesday.
One of China's biggest technology companies has declared it has begun mass production of a self-driving bus. Baidu said the vehicles would initially be put to commercial use within Chinese cities but added it was also targeting foreign markets.
China mulls a new policy of charging for solid waste processing as a means of reducing the amount of waste generated. This is the first time the government has advanced a fee for garbage disposal based on weight.
The regulation requires any entity or individual wanting to develop uninhabited islands to first submit an application, development plans and project appraisal reports to the ocean authorities for review and approval.