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夜间经济 nighttime economy


The nighttime economy refers to business activities between 6 pm and 6 am in the service sector. Many other Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Tianjin, have introduced plans to boost their nighttime economy.

放开落户限制 relaxing residency curbs


China has introduced a slew of measures to boost the employment prospects of graduates in the country, including relaxing residency curbs, promoting multi-channel employment and facilitating the establishment of startups.

汛期 flooding season


Since the flooding season began in June, southern provinces have received seven rounds of heavy downpours with average precipitation of about 476 mm, up 51 percent compared to the same period in previous years, according to the National Meteorological Center.

事实孤儿 de facto orphan


Jointly issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Supreme People's Court and 10 other departments, the guideline defined children with both parents serving prison terms, undergoing compulsory drug rehabilitation or restriction of personal freedom as de facto orphans. This puts them in the same category as children who have sick, disabled parents or parents who have been declared missing. If one of a child's parents is under the aforementioned conditions and the other parent is dead or missing, the child can also be identified as a de facto orphan.

酒店布草 hotel linen


Dubbed as Wuhan's first green washing base, all linen handled by the company, including sheets, towels, duvet covers, will be embedded with a thin, high-temperature resistant chip that enables a hotel to monitor its supplies, and allows hotel guests to access information about their laundry via a QR code.

素质教育 all-round education


The guideline aims to develop an education system that will foster citizens with an all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding, in addition to a hard-working spirit, according to the document.

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