Yunnan University examines German PhD studies, scholarships
May 22, 2024A seminar called PhD Studies and Scholarships in Germany was held on May 14 at the Chenggong Campus of Yunnan University
YNU holds meeting to boost undergraduate teaching quality
May 15, 2024Yunnan University (YNU) held a meeting to advance undergraduate education work on May 11 in preparation for the Ministry of Education's upcoming round of undergraduate education and teaching evaluations.
YNU master's students carry out field surveys in S&SE Asia
Apr 26, 2024Yunnan University has been sending 34 master's students majoring in Regional and Country-Specific Studies abroad for field surveys since April 2023.
YNU helps rural education
Apr 24, 2024A youth reading event was held at the Daoxiang Book House in Menghai county, Southwest China's Yunnan province, on April 19.
YNU, Laos institute train information talents
Apr 19, 2024Yunnan University (YNU) and the Laos Institute of Information and Communication Technology signed a memorandum of cooperation on April 8.
German biologist gives lecture at YNU
Apr 18, 2024Axel Meyer, a member of the German Academy of Sciences and a professor in the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz, Germany, was invited to speak at the Yunnan University Donglu High-end Academic Forum on April 9.